Monday, November 23, 2009

Mind-Blowing Hyperrealistic Art

My brain exploded when i saw these cool sculptures. On one hand, these photorealistic sculptures look a little scary, but on the other they are mega cool. Most successful hyperrealistic sculptures were created by Ron Mueck, Evan Penny, Jamie Salmon, Duane Hanson, Sam Jinks and Adam Beane. A must-see post ;)

Ron Mueck

Evan Penny

Jamie Salmon

Duane Hanson

Sam Jinks

Adam Beane

My brain exploded. On the one hand, these photorealistic sculptures look a little scary, but in anyway they are mega cool. Most successful hyperrealistic sculptures were created by Ron Mueck, Evan Penny, Jamie Salmon, Duane Hanson, Sam Jinks and Adam Beane. A must-see post ;)

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