Monday, November 9, 2009

Musical Instruments from Matchsticks

Jack Hall from Brighton, England, couldn't pick, strum, or draw a bow, but when it came to building stringed instruments, he had an amazing talent.
A striking characteristic of Jack's work is the beautiful ornamentation. When asked how he created these ingenious designs, he replied, "This gave me much more work. I sorted out and hand-picked from the piles of matchsticks- only those with even-sided square burnt ends. Then every one of them had to be individually cut down to variable measured lengths, so that I could interlock the blackened, burnt match-heads to form decorative patterns."
Super star Glen Campbell on a recent UK tour, took time out to praise and play the guitar and banjo, saying, "I couldn't believe they were actually made entirely of matchsticks. I played the Guitar and banjo and they sounded very professional. The patience and skill of Jack Hall was truly amazing."

The case is made from 2,000 matchboxes and the guitar from 25,000 matchsticks.

1 comment:

  1. Creating a guitar from matchstick this man really have a lot of talent and this guitar look stunning.
