Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Most Evil Pope

Pope Benedict XVI has been given a lot of flack lately, but in all of this it's important not to forget what the man is actually good at!

Yes, yes, just a little bit closer!

Bad Santa

Poor fools, they suspect nothing!

I will call him “Damien”

Disturbingly, he looks most innocent when wearing a Nazi uniform

Ooga booga booga!

Oh I'll be back…

You cannot escape the flying Pope

Actually not so bad

Suffer the little children

Force choke!

And beyond…

1 comment:

  1. It has been known for centuries that the Vatican is "The Mother of Harlots" referred to by Christ in Revelation/Apocalypse chapter 17; which explains perfectly that it is that great CITY (Vatican CITY) that rules over the kings of the earth; that sits on 7 mountains (Rome), where the inhabitants wear SCARLET (cardinals) and PURPLE (bishops) decked with gold; precious stones and pearls and calls itself "Mother" church.

    However, Christ calls her "Mother of Abominations"; his ENEMY and the great WHORE and He, NOT the pope, MUST be right.
