Friday, July 9, 2010

A Real American Pizza

Just because Italians invented pizza doesn’t mean America can’t have it’s own signature pie, covered with all the delicious stuff likely to give you a nice heart-attack. Made on 4th of July, in honor of America’s independence, this real American pizza has all the the toppings that made American fast food the unhealthiest cuisine in the world. The thin pizza crust is covered with ketchup, two cheeseburgers, an order of nuggets, fries, all covered by a layer of melted cheese. Let’s face it people, pizza doesn’t get any better than this. And if the pizza didn’t spell “the American way” clear enough, the hand-gun next to it, in the last photo, definitely clears things up.

1 comment:

  1. I like this...the way to do Pomi's is also to get several people and order several different pizzas and try a bit of everything (including the apple pizza).
    Pizza Rollers
