Friday, July 2, 2010

Whose House Is This?

Who do you think lives in this gorgeous house? You’ll find the answer inside this post.

This expensive house is owned by Robert Mugabe, the current President of Zimbabwe. This mansion is located in Harare. The most unusual thing is that Zimbabwe is a poor country. Women here live for about 34 years!!! Almost 2 million people have HIV, but they cannot receive any medical treatment because Zimbabwe’s health system has collapsed. This country is famous for its inflation and its corruption. It is the highest standing in the world at over 200,000,000 percents. About 80 percent of population is unemployed, but the prices rise every day. The saddest thing is that the government doesn’t care about its people and their problems, but the President feels ok about spending £3.75 millions on his palace while people starve.

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